Description: I patched the kde battery plasmoid to show a checkbox for its hidden config-option to display the remaining time.
Requires kde4-workspace-devel >= 4.6 to compile. Install: extract and open konsole in extracted directory. type "ccmake ." and adapt your prefix (mostly /usr), type "make". then generate an rpm/deb package with "cpack -G RPM" / "cpack -G DEB" and install package with your packagemanager.
To have the remaining time also displayed on status icon, also check checkbox in options for display separate battery icons, because in other case, percentages are summed up for multiple batteries.Last changelog:
Before installing this plasmoid, please note that this is also possible with the original Battery Plasmoid shipped with Plasma, you just have to add one line to the configuration file, as explained here:
This Plasmoid hasn't been updated in a while, so it might contain bugs or lack features that have been implemented upstream already, but haven't been integrated into this fork.
Do you have to enable the option to show the time in the official plasmoid before compiling, or is it something in the rc scripts?
In the latter case, it would be nice if you could point to me which script it is.
open a konsole in the folder you downloaded the plasmoid to and type
tar -xvf plasmoid.tar.gz
cd plasmoid
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
as root (via the commands sudo or su) type
make install
If there are compiler errors, install developing packages like cmake, libstd++, gcc etc.
Ratings & Comments
HI, This is not working on Opensuse 11.4 KDE 4.6 32 bit. Compilation went ok, no error but the plasmoid does not show up in the list.
Before installing this plasmoid, please note that this is also possible with the original Battery Plasmoid shipped with Plasma, you just have to add one line to the configuration file, as explained here: This Plasmoid hasn't been updated in a while, so it might contain bugs or lack features that have been implemented upstream already, but haven't been integrated into this fork.
Do you have to enable the option to show the time in the official plasmoid before compiling, or is it something in the rc scripts? In the latter case, it would be nice if you could point to me which script it is.
Please have a look here for a solution via rc-file:
Just what I was looking for. Thanks.
How can I install this? There is no ReadMe file :|
How do I install?
open a konsole in the folder you downloaded the plasmoid to and type tar -xvf plasmoid.tar.gz cd plasmoid mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. make as root (via the commands sudo or su) type make install kbuildsycoca4 If there are compiler errors, install developing packages like cmake, libstd++, gcc etc.