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Command Watch is a plasmoid which periodically runs a system command and displays its output. Think of a fortune or your uptime. The possibilities are endless.

Note: this Plasmoid is written for post-4.0.x Plasma versions.
Last changelog:

Fix national characters, patch by Radek Novacek;
Make it compatible with KDE 4.2.

Ratings & Comments



Really good plasmoid. Works even now on kde-4.9.3


OK I realize this is an old project but I really love this plasmoid and want to install it on my Fedora 14 box. Unfortunately I can't figure out what to do with the tarball provided and the rpm I found while searching with Google has a dependency of kdebase4-runtime < 4.2.60. I'm on 4.5.5. I've dl'd the src.rpm to try and reconfigure it but I don't know what I'm doing. Please is there a way for me to install this? It worked fine a few months ago on my Fedora 13 box.


Good work, very nice, simple and usable. What do You think about implementing text shadow?


Please let us choose a transparent background.


Due to tighter integration of Plasma with KDE, some changes to the CMakeLists.txt file are needed to compile successfully. 1) Delete the line: find_package(Plasma REQUIRED) 2) Replace ${PLASMA_LIBS} with ${KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS}


Yes. For my other applet, Flickr On Plasma, I made the following patch againt CMakeLists.txt, which keeps compatibility with <4.2 and >=4.2. This should work the same for this applet. --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -3,7 +3,12 @@ project(plasma-flickrop) # Find the required Libaries find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED) include(KDE4Defaults) -find_package(Plasma REQUIRED) + +if ( ${KDE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "4.1.90" ) + find_package(Plasma REQUIRED) +else ( ${KDE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "4.1.90" ) + set( PLASMA_LIBS ${KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS} ) +endif ( ${KDE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "4.1.90" ) add_definitions (${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS}) include_directories(


Your pach, included in this version of the plasmoid I just downloaded returns errors on KDE 4.1.3 The if statement looks buggy. After I removed it, it compiles ok. This is the error: -- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4 CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:6 (if): if had incorrect arguments: ${KDE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "4.1.90" (Unknown arguments specified). -- Found Plasma: /usr/lib/ CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:8 (else): else An ELSE command was found outside of a proper IF ENDIF structure. Or its arguments did not match the opening IF command. CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:10 (endif): endif An ENDIF command was found outside of a proper IF ENDIF structure. Or its arguments did not match the opening IF command. -- Configuring done


Strange, it works fine here, and the same checks work for my other plasmoid somewhere else. What is your CMake version? Mine is version 2.6-patch 2.


This program is excellent! It makes a light weight system monitor with top or with the python script Extraallt. Extraallt prints the output from specified commands to a text file. Per default it prints the output from hddtemp, lm-sensors and /proc/cpuinfo. Just use it with Command watch and "cat textfile" and set it to update every 3 second. Command watch needs the UTF-patch to print degree symbols, described in the post above by user radnnn Awk gurus can probably make it print anything.


Note: To build successfully on Kubuntu 8.10, the additional packages need to be installed first. build-essential, cmake, kdelibs5-dev, libplasma-dev Tip: I suggest installing the "apt-file" program. When cmake complains that it can't find the file such-and-such, use "apt-file search such-and-such" to find the package with the needed file.


Here is the fix for national characters: replace line 216: Quote:

m_output = m_proc.readAllStandardOutput();
with Quote:
m_output = QString::fromUtf8(m_proc.readAllStandardOutput());
It should work for at least UTF-8 locales...


Ebuid is here -


Thanks so much for putting this together; it's almost perfect. I'm wondering how difficult it would be to add a scrollbar to the output display? I'd like to fit about 20 of these in my dashbar, heh... Thanks again.


Thank you very much for such a versatile widget! It took some twiddling, but I've figured out how to make a "top" plasmoid from this. Refresh every: 5 seconds Font: Monospace 9 Command: Quote:

top -b | head -17 | tail -11 | awk '$9!=0 {printf("%5s %4s %s\n",$1,$9,$12)}'
top -b | head -17 | tail -11 gets the top 10 processes using the most CPU. The awk command filters out processes with 0% CPU, and cuts down the displayed information to just the process name, PID, and %CPU.


darn refresh. sry for the double post!


Small update of your command: top -n 1 -b | head -17 | tail -11 | awk '$9!=0 {printf("%5s %4s %5s %s\n",$1,$9,$6,$12)}' will be a bit better. * -n option for top is added; * memory usage information is added; It's faster and for me - previous variant simply doesn't work, because it's hold output (symptom - screen is not updated).


Thank you very much for such a versatile widget! It took some twiddling, but I've figured out how to make a "top" plasmoid from this. Refresh every: 5 seconds Font: Monospace 9 Command: Quote:

top -b | head -17 | tail -11 | awk '$9!=0 {printf("%5s %4s %s\n",$1,$9,$12)}'
top -b | head -17 | tail -11 gets the top 10 processes using the most CPU. The awk command filters out processes with 0% CPU, and cuts down the displayed information to just the process name, PID, and %CPU.


i add you plasmoid on my debian repo deb unstable main

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version 0.1.1
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