Flickr On Plasma
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A Plasma applet showing:
the most interesting pictures on Flickr
your favorite photos
a particular photoset
a set of photos based on a tag
photos taken on a particular location
To fetch the latest version, use the Git version:
Github: http://github.com/bram85/flickrop
Clone URL: git://github.com/bram85/flickrop.git
Gitorious: http://gitorious.org/flickrop/flickrop
Clone URL: git clone git://gitorious.org/flickrop/flickrop.git
This version supports localization. If you wish to translate Flickr On Plasma, clone the repository or download the template from Github. When you're ready, send me a pull request or send the resulting *.po file by email. Last changelog:
the most interesting pictures on Flickr
your favorite photos
a particular photoset
a set of photos based on a tag
photos taken on a particular location
To fetch the latest version, use the Git version:
Github: http://github.com/bram85/flickrop
Clone URL: git://github.com/bram85/flickrop.git
Gitorious: http://gitorious.org/flickrop/flickrop
Clone URL: git clone git://gitorious.org/flickrop/flickrop.git
This version supports localization. If you wish to translate Flickr On Plasma, clone the repository or download the template from Github. When you're ready, send me a pull request or send the resulting *.po file by email.
- Spanish translation added, thanks to Cristian Fadón.
- Added localization support (Dutch translation included).
- Fade effect when showing a new photo.
- Several bugfixes
Ratings & Comments
from two weeks, flickr on plasma cannot access to flickr website, with this message error : "flickr returned an invalid response" I don't want to miss this beautiful plasmoid,please help thanks in advance
from two weeks, flickr on plasma cannot access to flickr website, with this message error : "flickr returned an invalid response" I don't want to miss this beautiful plasmoid,please help thanks in advance
Yahoo has introduced some security measures. After verifying my login, I get only "Flickr returned an invalid response". If I want to reregister Flickr On Plasma, I get the message by Yahoo: "Flickr can't find a valid callback-URL. An external application wants to access your account, but cannot provide all required data." (or something similar, I translated from German). Therefore, Flickr On Plasma doesn't show any images and has become useless.
Your instructions from the pop up make no sense. There is no You > Your account, so the rest is meaningless. I have authorized plasma on Flickr and have turned off Safe Search, yet I still receive the confusing instructions that pop up three times. The pop ups are also modal system wide, so one has to close them before doing anything else on one's computer.
I can build it with marble deactivated, but then the plasmoid just starts with the following error: plasma_applet_ flickrop not found Help would be appreciated, love this plasmoid and would really miss it.
I'm on a short holiday right now, I'll look into it later this week.
I'm sorry, due to internet problems at home I can't have a look at this right now. It could take some time, unfortunately. Patches are always welcome, though :)
This is an upstream bug, see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=243699 . I don't intend to release a new version of this plasmoid (I don't know what I can do from my side anyhow). The only workaround I can suggest for now is to disable the Marble functionality.
I can't build the plasmoid on KDE 4.5, on 4.4 it worked. I get the following error: [ 36%] Building CXX object applet/CMakeFiles/plasma_applet_flickrop.dir/plasma_applet_flickrop_automoc.o In file included from /home/m/Downloads/flickrop-0.7.1/build/applet/../../applet/marbledialog.h:23:0, from /home/m/Downloads/flickrop-0.7.1/build/applet/moc_marbledialog.cpp:10, from /home/m/Downloads/flickrop-0.7.1/build/applet/plasma_applet_flickrop_automoc.cpp:4: /usr/include/marble/MarbleControlBox.h:18:36: fatal error: PositionProviderPlugin.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden compilation terminated. make[2]: *** [applet/CMakeFiles/plasma_applet_flickrop.dir/plasma_applet_flickrop_automoc.o] Fehler 1 make[1]: *** [applet/CMakeFiles/plasma_applet_flickrop.dir/all] Fehler 2 make: *** [all] Fehler 2 m@linux-n3lx:~/Downloads/flickrop-0.7.1/build>
When I select the "by tag" Stream, about 10 or 15 photos are downloaded and then I always see the slideshow of that photos, no new photos are downloaded. But, there are thousands of photos with that tags. Is there a limit?
That's right, only 24 photos are retrieved. At the moment of writing, I have a local Git branch which should take care of it. It's mostly finished, but I think I have to look at it better. But I would expect to merge this in for the next non-bugfix release.
Ok, that's awesome
Can I have this plasmoid two times in my desktop showing different photos? I mean, with different config. Or Can I use two tags in the Tag Option?
No, unfortunately it's not possible. I'm aware of the problem, but it would take quite some work to fix this. But, it's on my list and hope to deal with this one day.
i have solved previous error but i have new one. its detail at http://pastebin.ca/1565232
Is Flickr On Plasma the only package which causes problems? I suspect this error happens due to a misconfiguration on your system. Did you install CMake from a package or by hand? I'd suggest to sort out this issue on your distribution's support channels, because it looks like I can be of any help here.
hi, i take error when i build source. error details is at http://pastebin.ca/1565193 i'm waiting your advice.
How about making double clicks on the photo advance to the next photo? I use the right click "Next Photo" menu option frequently, this would be an intuitive shortcut.
I'm not so convinced that would be the right solution. I can imagine it is unexpected/unclear behavior for other users. Perhaps a pager widget instead, similar to the one you see in the comic plasmoid.
While I still think a double-click is still the most intuitive, I think I have to agree about it being unexpected... other common plasmoids don't do anything on double clicks. A widget that appeared only on mouseover (like the Comics plasmoid) would work just as well, though, it'd only have one button on it.
It'd be really good solution - a button (or buttons with all functions, e.g. the photo page) appearing on mouseover. :)
flickr plasmoid causes plasma crash when there's no network present. here's the backtrace: http://pastebin.com/f3ea745e
Which version? 0.5.1 is supposed to fix this.
OK, I've 0.4 so I'll wait for the new package ;)
have a look here, there is the latest version compiled in a deb package: https://launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/plasmoid