-Setting a second location will not work unless after you set it, you switch to another wallpaper plugin, hit apply, and switch back again.
-Also, since the NOAA ion doesn't return icon names, this wallpaper plugin will not work with the NOAA weather source.

- Add an element of time in determining the wallpaper, so that night pics can come at night, etc. (The weather icon we receive can't provide this for most weathers, just for cloudy and clear nights)
- Show basic weather info/location name on top left of screen. For now just use the weather widget of your choice. ;-)
+ Autodetect metric/imperial measurement systems based on locale, or at least let the user choose between the two
- Allow the user to set a custom wallpaper for weather conditions.
This wallpaper is compatible with both KDE 4.2 and KDE 4.3, though users of KDE 4.3 users will want to get the latest version from kdeartwork/weatherwallpapers
Until then, feel free to enjoy the wallpaper plugin.

Installation notes:
This plugin does need the wallpapers from kdebase-workspace and kdeartwork.
To build this plugin, you will need the development headers for kdelibs and kdebase-workspace. (kdelibs5-dev and kdebase-workspace-dev on Kubuntu, dunno about other distros)
Ratings & Comments
How do you install it? I'm using ubuntu, if that's any help!
Is it possible to use own collections of wallpapers/create own themes for this?
hi, i really like this plugin, but one thing that would make it even better is if the wallpapers are configurable: choose a directory with images named like the states "rainy.png" "sunny..." and add support for time-of-day-specific themes, so at night and state sunny it shows a moon and stars and in the evening a sunset or things... this would really be great...
well, in order to use conky with transparancy i need to use 'feh', in order to use 'feh' i need the path to the wallpaper image, where does the plugin write it to? the current wallpaper? thanks
Hello, I'm a bit of a beginner with Kubuntu Jaunty and I would LOVE to have this wallpaper for my laptop. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get my town to appear in any of the weather services and I don't know enough about any of these systems to make heads or tails of what you all have been sharing with one another. Could someone, please explain, from the blank desktop, how I can get one or more of these patches into the right files, especially the ones that don't give me any permissions to make changes. Many thanks
On Kubuntu 9.04 I can't install the deb package becouse dpkg say me that `/usr/share/wallpapers/At_Night/contents/screenshot.png' is already in "kdewallpapers" package
I got this error too. I tried removing the kdewallpapers package, but that package is actually a dependency for this widget!! I got around this by using the force-overwrite option in dpkg, like so: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite plasma-wallpaper-weather_0.2.1-0ubuntu1~kdelook1_i386.deb It's normally not a good idea to use force options when installing packages, but it worked for me this time. YMMV.
how is going the project ? when will we have the next update ? * the rpm for mandriva 2009.1 32bit http://www.mediafire.com/file/rzmmdhtnmm3/plasma-wallpaper-weather-0.2-1mdv2009.1.i586.rpm
Development has moved in to the KDE svn repositories, and the wallpaper has become a part of KDE 4.3. I do not plan on making any more KDE-look releases, as I cannot think of anything more to do for the KDE 4.2 version.
good news , at least the project continue. thanks
Downloaded the 64 bit Ubuntu package for Kubuntu 9.04 and nothing works. Nothing on the screen or anything.
Nice. But, Could you add more servers? No data are available for my country Argentina. For example: www.weather.com http://espanol.weather.com Like the plaismoid: www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Customizable+Weather+Plasmoid+(CWP)?content=98925 Thank you.
Yeah that would be great, there's no data for my city either (Benidorm, in Spain). Weather.com has a huge database.
Why I see no settings there? I used the Fedora 10 rpm. http://omploader.org/vMWthZw/wea.jpeg
Well it's working now. I selected the city, but I see a "blue wallpaper". http://omploader.org/vMWtnbg/wea1.jpeg
Hi, I did the fedora package and can confirm that it doesn't seems to work anymore. However, it did ... even yesterday. My best guess is currently that there are troubles with the qt 4.5.1 update from yesterday. It introduced plenty of nasty problem and lots plasmoids are not working the way they should. Can you please check, if you already did update the package on your system also?
I'm on Qt 4.5 right now. I can select the city, but the wallpaper didn't appear. I lefet the "completely blue wallpaper" for a while, and then a Sunny wallpaper started to shine. It's not exactly my city, but I selected the nearest city in the DataEngine and use the Customizable Weather Plasmoid to show the info from weather.com
How to manualy set a list of wallpapers? Is there a config file or something like that?
Not yet, but I'm aiming to implement this feature for KDE 4.3. (Since the wallpaper plugin is now part of KDE 4.3)
Nice program!!! But my city isn't in wheater sites.... but in in Yahoo Wheater! Can you implement http://weather.yahoo.com/ ?? thks!!!
Hello again. I was not happy to have Air wallpaper for half an hour after start (because of not immediate internet connection), so i've made a very simple little patch, which allows me to use last used wallpaper if no connection. Here it is: --- weather.cpp 2009-04-07 17:51:13.000000000 +0300 +++ weather.cpp 2009-04-08 23:47:04.000000000 +0300 @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ void WeatherWallpaper::init(const KConfigGroup & config) { + m_config = config; m_weatherUpdateTime = config.readEntry("updateWeather", 30); // Connect to weather engine. @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ // Set custom options m_ionPlugins = m_weatherEngine->query("ions"); + m_wallpaper = config.readEntry("wallpaper"); m_activePlace = config.readEntry("place"); m_activeIon = config.readEntry("ion"); m_extraData[m_activePlace] = config.readEntry("data"); @@ -503,6 +505,7 @@ m_wallpaper = QString(m_dir + "Icy_Tree"); } + m_config.writeEntry("wallpaper",m_wallpaper); loadImage(); emit update(boundingRect()); } (this is for weather.cpp) --- weather.h 2009-04-07 17:36:23.000000000 +0300 +++ weather.h 2009-04-08 23:47:26.000000000 +0300 @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ private: QWidget* m_configWidget; KDialog *m_addDialog; + KConfigGroup m_config; Ui::weatherLocations locationsUi; Ui::weatherAddPlace addUi; QStandardItemModel *m_amodel; (and this one is for weather.h) It would be nice if you use them :)
Here is PKGBUILD for ArchLinux: pkgname=plasma-weather-wallpaper-plugin _pkgname=plasma-wallpaper-weather pkgver=0.2.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Plugin for Plasma dekstop which sets wallpaper as the weather changes" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" license=('GPL') depends=('kdebase-workspace') makedepends=('cmake' 'automoc4') source=("https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Eechidnaman/+archive/ppa/+files/plasma-wallpaper-weather_$pkgver.orig.tar.gz") md5sums=('94177bfca63db13bbbb0d837bd36a606') build() { cd ${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}/ mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. || return 1 make || return 1 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1 }
I like this ^^y. I wish it may use more picture for daylight(even morning, afternoon) and night. It will perfect \^^/
...i could just pick something with raindrops. fits every day ;-P (scnr)
I'll love it when it works with Customizable Weather Plasmoid http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=98925 The weather dataengine just sucks, it doesn't have all the cities in the world. Is better to use the weather webpages, and we can also watch satellite images ;)