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Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Lite version added.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other Plasma 4 Extensions:
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
now with 190.42 driver supplies fan speed any plan to display fan speed ? thanks for your work
Mandriva 2010.0b1 kde 4.3.1 with plasma tool gui i can't add your widget in the list with plasma tool cli i can add your widget in the list then add it to desktop see my bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206223
Mandriva 2010.0b1 kde 4.3.1 your widget is - full transparent with superkaramba - not full transparent with plasma
What does the +1 mean? What's the difference to FINAL?
"Looks very nice, unfortunately my 7600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! text continues off the border, regardless of resizing. Please provide a version without that text and also without board temp since mine doesn't report a board temp (and therefore probably many other users as well.) Thanks for your work on this... and if first/last is final, thanks nonetheless." The author was very kind and created the lite version to ~fix my problem.
What Color Scheme U are using in the first screenshot? Can U share it please?
From where can i get the black Wallpaper ?
Can-you create a version for ATI Catalyst Linux?
How can i install this plasmanoid? On desktop i click add widget --> install new from file --> plasmonoid --> nvidia-sensors.skz i cant nvidia plasmanoid in category all i have kde 4.1
You must install super karamba for kde4 first, then when you add a widget from a file whith plasma, you can choose karamba applet. (sorry for my bad english)
Please excuse me, if it is a stupid question, but ... is this really a binary plasmoid? I got a little bit irritated that lots of superkaramba themes appear in this category. A binary plasmoid was something that needs to be compiled for me... in fact I guess that superkaramba would be more like an script, cause it normally should run out of the box. (In fact not for me here, but this seems to be related to plasma itself). However, it looks quite nice and is some good piece of work :)
Yes, this is a port of karamba theme, but not work very well in it.Need plasma.
hello there. we (ken and me) used libnvcontrol to communicate with the nvidia driver and getting those values about temperatures and such. you dont have to have nvidia-settings installed that way, and it will not need to execute the binary each time you want a new value query. have a look at kima and its nvidia source for how to use libnvcontrol (it's bundled with nvidia drivers). you can link statically against them. the lib is small. anyway, neat applet. thanks for it :)
Looks very nice, unfortunately my 7600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! text continues off the border, regardless of resizing. Please provide a version without that text and also without board temp since mine doesn't report a board temp (and therefore probably many other users as well.) Thanks for your work on this... and if first/last is final, thanks nonetheless.
lite version aded ;)
Thank you very much!
Well plasmoid, thanks!