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Advanced media player for Plasma which lets you to listen to your favorite music and watch videos directly on your desktop.
Developed and tested on KDE 4.8 with Qt 4.8 (Kubuntu 12.04).

Video output has inverted colors with older versions of GStreamer backend (which is recommended),

Source (main repository, with more frequent updates) is located at:

- multiple playlists support;
- ability to import from PLS, M3U, XSPF and ASX playlist formats;
- ability to export to PLS and M3U playlist formats;
- streams support;
- optical discs support;
- full MPRIS2 D-Bus interface to control player (disabled by default);
- basic video settings;
- drag and drop support;
- possibility to start playback of last used playlist on startup;
- keyboard shortcuts:
-- pausing and playing (Space);
-- stopping playback (S);
-- play next and previous track (Page Up and Page Down);
-- seeking video (left and right arrow);
-- changing volume (+ and -) and (un)mute (M);
-- toggling full screen (F);
-- toggling controls visibility (C);
-- toggling play list visibility (P);
-- accessing volume slider (V);
-- accessing file open dialog (O);
-- accessing URL open dialog (U);
-- accessing jump to position dialog (G).

If you have found bugs or have suggestions you can contact me via email, message or using comments, before you will vote bad.
And remember that not everybody has enough time for fast replying. ;-)

Don't be silly, don't vote bad just for fun!
Last changelog:

2.5 (01.07.2012):
- allow to toggle playback state using single mouse click on video widget;
- move tracks instead of copying them when dragging inside playlist view;
- try to avoid showing tooltip when there is full screen window;
- allow to copy tracks between tabs by dragging them;
- switch tabs when dragging URLs over their handles;
- allow to copy selected tracks to another playlist;
- added support for media buttons;
- allow to select multiple tracks;
- some other fixes.

2.4 (25.05.2012):
- updated DBus interface to MPRIS2 specification;
- added Current Track Once playback mode;
- fixed Play Previous and Play Next actions;
- enable Apply button when configuration values are changed;
- added Play Previous and Play Next to set of available controls and to toolbars of playlist dialog and full screen view;
- some other fixes and lots of internal changes.

Ratings & Comments



small, unobtrusive desktop player for audio tracks. for what i'm using it for, music, i find nothing 'broken'... Thank you. Landis.


Thanks so much for making this applet. This is a nice addition to my dashboard.


Great app thanks a lot


When I start a new MiniPlayer default colors are not good, pulling on the blue. default color should look like this many regards


This is bug in Phonon GStreamer backend, fixed in 4.6.0 release. PS There is warning about that issue in applet description above. ;-)


I'm sorry but I do not know how to install phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.6.0. I'm stuck here * I tried install phonon-4.6.0 stuck here * some suggestion - thanks


It's not a good idea to manually overwrite packages (especially since Phonon 4.6 introduced some various internal changes - including build system ones), in my case I've decided to wait for next Kubuntu release, since they will have new version packaged (4:4.7.0really4.6.0-0ubuntu1).


I tried it just now, it works fine, but i've two problems 1) scaling produces pixelated videos 2) cpu usage is very high, if i scale the window to 1024 to 768, it jumps to 50%, making miniplayer unusable for me. is that expected? i'm using gstreamer backend.


Yep, sadly currently Phonon isn't good at drawing video on QGraphicsView (used by Plasma), currently there is (probably) no acceleration at all and yes, sometimes pixels are clearly visible (especially in full screen mode)... This is one of the reasons (main was that Phonon used to often fail completely on QGV in the past) why there is alternative option to use video in dialog, but due to some changes in Plasma "native" video widget fails to render in dialog since few major KDE releases, so it is currently also QGV based. :-D The plan is to move to Phonon QML components when those will be finally ready or experiment with QtGstreamer library. The latter would give additional advantages over Phonon (like more options and bigger control), though would require some additional work. QtMultimedia(Kit) is very big disappointment here, since it has very poor API (comparing to Phonon) and it was even slower on my hardware (there exists a branch on github with experimental port using it, version from QtMobility package, you can try it - though it may require manual moving of some headers since they were broken in Kubuntu package - it looks like nobody tested it after packaging).


When I launch a mini player always switched on "DPMS is Enebled" (I always have "DPMS is Disabledbled") - then I have a problem, because always turns off the monitor. some solution regards


This is really weird, as it seems that system used to prevent this could be a cause for this happening. :-/ Try removing belowe code from applet/Playser.cpp (around line 474): if (isVideoAvailable() && translatedState == PlayingState) { m_stopSleepCookie = Solid::PowerManagement::beginSuppressingSleep("Plasma MiniPlayerApplet: playing video"); if (!m_notificationRestrictions) { m_notificationRestrictions = new KNotificationRestrictions(KNotificationRestrictions::NonCriticalServices, this); } } else if (m_notificationRestrictions) { Solid::PowerManagement::stopSuppressingSleep(m_stopSleepCookie); m_notificationRestrictions->deleteLater(); m_notificationRestrictions = NULL; } And then recompile and restart plasma-desktop process (kill it and run using KRunner or log again into session, no need for full system restart).


I've added option to disable notifications and screen saver inhibition (the only possible offenders), you can try now without need to apply patch.


the dbus GetMetadata information is broken all audio media sl1pkn07@sL1pKn07 ~ $ qdbus org.mpris.PlasmaApplet /Player GetMetadata location: time: -1 sl1pkn07@sL1pKn07 ~ $


These issues are not related. Which version of Phonon and Phonon GStreamer (or other backend) are you using (some versions have some bugs...)? Try to use version from git, it now tries to get duration from cache (it really should get all meta data from there, as there are nearly no chances that Phonon will return them synchronously anyway...), this should solve DBus issue.


probe GIT and still dbus GetMetadata fails don't probe 2.0 why broken my desktom. 2.1 depend of days :S (now broken (need restart), 3 hours before working) only working with 1.2: use phonon 4.6.0 and phonon-mplayer from git all in kde 4.8-RC2 and Qt 4.8 in Archlinux (kde-unstable/testing active) PD: sorry my english


Is duration still wrong (it wasn't supposed to add more meta data but fix available ones)? Which issues you have with 2.1 (crashes, freezes or what)? It does work for me now, using GStreamer backend. Apparently Kubuntu doesn't have backend for MPlayer so I can't test it (and I'm afraid that it is even less mature than VLC one, which crashes when unloading...). I'll probably move to caching all meta data anyway (I only need good way to avoid caching no longer needed data - figure out how to check if track is still used by other playlist in most efficient way). Can you check if it works for you with GStreamer backend?


no, no only duration. all metadatas missing in 2.1: sl1pkn07@sL1pKn07 ~ $ qdbus org.mpris.PlasmaApplet /Player GetMetadata location: time: -1 sl1pkn07@sL1pKn07 ~ $ in 1.2: 2.1/2.0 kill plasma-desktop with plasmoidviewer with plasma-desktop


Yes, I know that it is missing (in current git version it obtains it from player directly, so it should be more valid). ;-) I was asking if duration is still wrong after recent changes. Thanks for backtraces, but due to lack of debug symbols I have no idea whats wrong, except that both looks as the same issue... Can you try to install it with debug data (direct compilation of source from package should create version with debug symbols)?


test GIT version. now back all metadata! (testerday don't work). but have two "errors". when drag on plasma-desktop, view big icon in the middle of plasmoid. dissapears when open/modif plasmoid options. and secon is this: don't show track info like it should (title, artist and duration) in 1.2 show good sorry, bud don't have debugger packages for all kde components (need recompile all) greetings and thanks for your work!


Sorry for so big delay, but I was busy with some "real life" stuff... I've restored my MSN account (it got deactivated and was removed after not using for more than one year). ;-) And this backtrace is different, this time it looks like generic backend or Phonon crash, without of trace of applet...


Can you check this with GStreamer backend? And does it display correct data for normal, tagged MP3 files (those appears to be streams)? That strange duration value looks like result of overflow or something like that (value from GetMetadata is quite big for your streams). Also according to the same output artists key is empty for that stream (so it is replaced by placeholder string). I'm not sure if in that case it should try to split title value on "-" character as it will lead to errors in some cases. There is need to compile only applet in debug mode (to know to which file and line points that only line mentioning it in backtrace), other components are not needed in this case.


sorry, HATE gstreamer and VLC. only use mplayer flac tagged: mp3 tagger: howto compile plasmoid with debbuger option?. and view output of this


And those two files show correctly in playlist (except that both lack artist value)? To build with debug data try to add below code to CMakeLists.txt file in main source directory: SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) Then run install script and try to reproduce crash.


# And those two files show correctly in playlist (except that both lack artist value)? no. only location tag is correctly. rest of tags show incorrectly (tags from radio stream plays before play mp3/flac archives) big icon add these line in cmakelist.txt and build with script (and install) drop plasmoid into plasma-desktop, open filelist window and... kill plasma-desktop. without "kbug" and plasmoid (show in nothing) trace open new plasma-desktop... in black wallpaper XD open mp3 and freeze plasmoid and desktop ( back desktop in 30sec, but plasmoid don't respond). open .pls playlist and same result. now crash plasma-desktop, but with trace to back normality need close session or restart machine please. contact with me in msn. for not refill this post with "trash" greetings


1. Would not play mp3. Wav plays fine. 2. Stop button did not work. 3. Volume control did not work. 4. Dragging positions too far right froze plasma. Check threading.

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