Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Presentation video:
Alpha corolla 0.0.4: (14.Jul.2012)
- Dolphin is now used in trash plugin;
- Now using Taskmanager library for compatibility with KDE 4.8;
- Thumbnails are now clickable. (11.Nov.2010)
- Added support for VLC in "Media controller" role. (10.Nov.2010)
- Fixed bug that could cause the applet to crash in certain circumstances (patched by pierre.parent|at|insa-rouen.fr);
- Dolphin is now used as default application for the file manager launcher;
- Updated Italian translation. (29.Jun.2010)
- Moved project page to dedicated host;
- Removed some backgrounds;
- Added Greek language translation done by Alexander Kaltsas;
- Added Turkish language translation done by Anıl í–zbek;
- Added Russian language translation done by Dmitry Pisklov;
- Fixed issue with TaskManager lib that would affect compilation (thanks bram85);
- Multiple bugfixes. (11.Fev.2010)
- Small bugfix to work properly with KDE 4.4.
For the complete list of changes please visit: http://cdlszm.org/
Ratings & Comments
Is there any chance to make this plasmoid work in Plasma 5?
does anyone still use this on KDE?..... thinking KDE 4.13
I'm curious, is there any way to add more backgrounds to choose from?
Here you can see all three docks at once :) http://ubuntuone.com/2RyZXPYjG4OhZtn8VkRIH7 (Running on Kubuntu 12.04 LTS)
it seems like the development is stuck. can anyone tell me why this good plasmoid was dropped from main ubuntu repository?
That's why I have gesture "Show desktop" mapped to the bottom of the screen. Kinda hack but works, Only problem is in dual screen config where second display is larger than primary or is set to"below"
What the user jacopeta says its true. Daisy seems to work really well, but when a window is over the dock it's unreachable. For example, when windows are maximized. Maximized Terminal Window and mouse trying to reach the dock. http://i.imgur.com/hFIvn.png
Sorry, is there news about autohide function? beacuse is not possible to recall the dock when is covered by a window when i touch the top of the screen with my mouse...
Just wanted to state that nowardev's deb installs and works in kubuntu 12.04.1 upgraded to KDE 4.9.0. Go Daisy!
WIth daisy ported to taskmanager library would it be possible to add option to hide apps run in other activites?
Ubuntu packages: https://launchpad.net/~mikevaughn/+archive/omnilinux/
i like the dock very much, but does anyone know what on earth is the "dock-hiding button" that's mentioned in the settings? under which circumstances is it visible or usable?
Hi, it's a feature that hasn't been implemented yet. The option is in the configuration window, but the function itself isn't done.
I just installed Daisy on KDE 4.8.2 on FreeBSD. Unaware of existing patches, I quickly fixed the TaskPtr/StartupPtr references and have it compiled and running. It seems to work fine, but with one issue. I cannot figure out how to reorder the icons that are on it. Anything I add is at the end, but some things (i.e. Trash) when added just land in random spots. I have tried to drag around the icons in the dock, but they activate the in the mouse-down event with no delay, with the following drag completely ignored. Does anyone have any idea how to reorder the icons? This looks nice but it not practical with the current limitation.
It is not possible to reorder icons at the moment, nor to activate any sort of intellihide :(
True. It's a very needed feature for Daisy. Was planning on adding that some time ago, but something changed in the Plasma/Icon library, so that feature remained in the wishlist. Hope we can get it implemented. :)
Hey! Very happy to hear from you! So the project is not dead? Any roadmap? I'm still using Daisy on my Kubuntu 11.10 and it's great, but icons sorting and intellihide would make it perfect. Cheers Tall
test to your own risk here is working properly debian package generated with cpack http://peace-packages.googlecode.com/files/plasma-widget-daisy_0.0.5.deb
Thanks, works without problems here also :-)
code can be downloaded here https://github.com/gabm/Daisy i just did the package 32bit
i compiled it and installed it on kubuntu 12.04 64bit version and it works. Thanks!!!
Thank you for your work. Patch is now applied, and working perfectly with KDE 4.8 . Credit added in Daisy header. :)
Hi, i've changed Daisy to match with some new KDE 4.8 API (only a few changes were necessary..). Sadly it was not the application i was looking for, so after a few minutes of testing, i uninstalled it. However: you can grab the code on my github page: https://github.com/gabm/Daisy You should be able to install it with the install.sh script. Please remember: use it at your own risk, if it does not work for you: you are on your own, i will not fix any problems or add new features... Feel free to fork and fix/maintain it!
Thank you for the effort. However, when I downloaded the git and attempted to compile/install it, it crashed with the task manager error mentioned above.
I don't think so... Probably he doesn't want develop daysi anymore. Somebody could take the source code and make a spin off or something.