Celtic - preview


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After making Celtic wallpaper, I decided to make a mouse theme inspired by that same theme.
This is a preview as it is my first time making cursors.
So please, give me some feedback on how i can improve this set. Maybe some cursors are missing but i'll make them later on.
Hope you like it. Comments are welcome

Last changelog:

I forgot to create the directory tree and index.theme file, sorry. Now it should install using control center.

Ratings & Comments



At least, i got rid of that UGLY hand in my mouse theme! Thanks! Moving your celtic arrow make me fell like a barbarian, ha! One question: What are this CLOCK doing in celtic theme? No time to draw one? What are celts using for clock? A Stonage stuff, a rock circular calendar, that would be nice...And also, do you know anyone who can help me get rid of the enerving clock in YAST...I would put someone BUILDING something, some kind of Conan Barbarian moving rocks to build a temple or something... GREAT WORK!


Oh BTW: where can I get the source i.e. the pngs?


I just wanted to say that this cursor theme still is my favorite which I use on every box :) But please please please - can you make a bigger version of this one? I'd love to see a 64x64 version because I am using a screen resolution of 1920x1200.


Good one~!!!! I like the color/shade effect! I agree wit post above- BUT- its better this way, i think- then a big solid bulky block! I'm looking at art...not an arrow!! rock on...


Thanks! I like it!


just 40%?? It's one of the best cursor themes I have ever seen!


Well, the icon theme is a bit busy. And at that size, the knotwork looks like some sort of stylized Lovecraftian horror than beautiful Book of Kells work. That's not a reflection on the colorscheme or anything; the knotwork just looks more like tentacles to me.


Well, even if those "things" look like tentacles - it nevertheless is the best cursor theme I have ever seen :) Although you are right: I wouldn't have named it "celtic".


a very nice cursor theme! Please *don't* change the dots. Will there come a final? How about taking the xkill symbol from this theme: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=20568 ?


I noticed that during an application loading the wayting cursor is from celtic theme, but during a web page loading the wayting cursor is a black arrow with a tiny clock aside. I guess this is from the minimal default theme of the system, can you tell me how to solve it?


I'm no cultural expert, but from what I do know, these don't really look Celtic at all...


I agree totaly.. Some are Celtic, most are not. I recomend praticing on some grid/graph paper with a compass and pencil until you can get the design down. Then use GIMPs grid option and use the circle tool and work from there.


I would have gone for the traditional green. I think that to say that it hurts to look at them is overly harsh, but I am not crazy about them either.


To be honest I have to say those are pretty ugly. The design hurts the eyes and they look cluttered and unattractive.


What's with the dots in the middle of each? In my opinion, it takes away from the Celtic design. They are also a bit too blue for me (I prefer lighter/whiter cursors, but that is personal pref, of course. ;) ) but otherwise, they are definately nice and different.


The dot does take away from it. I think they would be nice if they was just a tad bigger and green. IMHO, Bandit

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version 0.6
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