Inferno XS Version 2
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
you know, some people dont like going to other sites to download something (take me for one). i didnt get turned away though, just upload a copy here to be nice to said people.
i will give these cursors a whirl, or maybe a click (pun). then i will give judgement, probably good.
i like. i like a lot. good vote 4 u!
but you do have to cosider the fact that I'm to stupid to make my own index.theme so what I have to do is steal other peoples. Sorry this is old content now and I can't really be bothered to change it, I have given up on making themes and the like, since my university work is more important, when I get some time to myself I might change it.
I happen to like them...! Fantastic job, and they look great (I'm using it now). Q
Your index.theme has the wrong content: [Icon Theme] Name=Lila-black Comment=Pinux's Lila cursors Example=arrow Shouldn't that read: [Icon Theme] Name=Inferno Comment=Inferno cursors Example=arrow instead?
I don't like the firefox logo in it.
Considering 'tis your first X11 cursor theme, 'tis purdy cool. A little on the chunky side though. Good work
If you are going to vote bad on this please at least have the decency to leave a comment on why you voted bad.