9+ Would be nice a different size distribution, for HiDPI configurations. Default size is pretty little : 32. On a normal basis, on plasma it's 36.
BTW, I love this cursor set. Loving the colour!!
The icons are small and don't get in the way like most of the other obnoxious icon themes. It's flat and simple yet still very visible. I've been using this cursor for 3 years and haven't found any others that compare.
This cursor theme is simple and visible. I have eye problems and other cursors were kinda not very notecable in the background. This is just amazing. I just can't thank you enough. This theme is the best for black backgrounds!
i just downloaded some 20 cursor themes to try them out, and this one wins! soft, yet precise. not too big or fancily animated, yet easy to find. minimalistic. perfect.
i'll try other colours, though.
can you make a lefty version of this? i really like it! i registered just to get something like this and this mouse theme pack is perfect! someone told me to look here and most themes have a lefty version but im finding this untrue and i just wonder if i can request if you can make that happen. thank you so much, i would appreciate it if you would.
I just made a blue version of this mouse theme that matches the ATER BlUE Metacity theme perfectly... should I upload it here?... I'd hate to step all over the artist, just jumping in under my username as if it's my creation.
i read that i am not the only one who really loves that corsurs you made - but would like to change the colors. in other themes there are simply picture files for each corsor so i can change colors easily, but can you tell me how to do that with your theme? thx in advance!
and: nicest theme i found, simple, no shadow, cool shapes, nice anims > thanks for that one :)
[404] ERROR A keresett file nem található
A szerver nem tudta megnyitni a hivatkozott lapot vagy alkalmazást.
- Lehet, hogy Ön gépelt el valamit. Ez esetben kérjük ellenőrizze a beírt címet, különös tekintettel arra, hogy a rendszer Linux alapú, így a kis- és nagybetűk között különbség van.
- Hibás linkre kattintott. Ezt kérjük közölje az oldal üzemeltetőjével, vagy írja meg info@dataglobe.hu címre.
Funny : I was searching to edit them to change their green color into yellow/orange one...
But what is the format of the pics ?
I can't find how to edit them !?...
Thanks for the theme ! Quite great !
I talked too fast :
It's a domain I'm not certain to do a good job ! :P
And new events will give me no such time to work on that...
Sorry ! But I keep your sources !!
If I'd ever have that time !?... ;)
Ratings & Comments
9 + Would be nice a different size distribution, for HiDPI configurations. Default size is pretty little : 32. On a normal basis, on plasma it's 36. BTW, I love this cursor set. Loving the colour!!
It is great!
Great cursor. Been doing Linux and cursors for twenty years, this is so minimalist and beautiful. Thank you!
The icons are small and don't get in the way like most of the other obnoxious icon themes. It's flat and simple yet still very visible. I've been using this cursor for 3 years and haven't found any others that compare.
This cursor theme is simple and visible. I have eye problems and other cursors were kinda not very notecable in the background. This is just amazing. I just can't thank you enough. This theme is the best for black backgrounds!
i just downloaded some 20 cursor themes to try them out, and this one wins! soft, yet precise. not too big or fancily animated, yet easy to find. minimalistic. perfect. i'll try other colours, though.
can you make a lefty version of this? i really like it! i registered just to get something like this and this mouse theme pack is perfect! someone told me to look here and most themes have a lefty version but im finding this untrue and i just wonder if i can request if you can make that happen. thank you so much, i would appreciate it if you would.
I just made a blue version of this mouse theme that matches the ATER BlUE Metacity theme perfectly... should I upload it here?... I'd hate to step all over the artist, just jumping in under my username as if it's my creation.
I made a red version, just like the blue one. Loved the ATER theme, but had a red colored desktop, so I finally got around to making it match :) Also listing the blue one (made by poster above) because it looks just as good as the green ATER. Red - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=108211 Blue - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=93647
Hi all, i´m using this cursor since 3 days and i love it!! it´s simple, well visible and just looks so cool..... Thanks guys!!
How do I open a gz file...?
i read that i am not the only one who really loves that corsurs you made - but would like to change the colors. in other themes there are simply picture files for each corsor so i can change colors easily, but can you tell me how to do that with your theme? thx in advance! and: nicest theme i found, simple, no shadow, cool shapes, nice anims > thanks for that one :)
[404] ERROR A keresett file nem található A szerver nem tudta megnyitni a hivatkozott lapot vagy alkalmazást. - Lehet, hogy Ön gépelt el valamit. Ez esetben kérjük ellenőrizze a beírt címet, különös tekintettel arra, hogy a rendszer Linux alapú, így a kis- és nagybetűk között különbség van. - Hibás linkre kattintott. Ezt kérjük közölje az oldal üzemeltetőjével, vagy írja meg info@dataglobe.hu címre.
Can you make it in white color please ? Nevertheless a really nice cursors set Thank you in advance.
i tried (only the pointer cursor), but it wasn't look so good :(
Good. But i want to see orange cursors ;)
Funny : I was searching to edit them to change their green color into yellow/orange one... But what is the format of the pics ? I can't find how to edit them !?... Thanks for the theme ! Quite great !
Hi, i shared the source, so you can make now your own version. i hope you will send to me if you finished. :)
Wait for me ! ;) Thanks ! you made all the job !...
I talked too fast : It's a domain I'm not certain to do a good job ! :P And new events will give me no such time to work on that... Sorry ! But I keep your sources !! If I'd ever have that time !?... ;)
no problem :)
The busy cursor is like this wheel on a rocky road - other than that, all good! Can't wait for your GTK theme :D
This cursor are really nice... But can be another nice thing do a cursor package for left-hander people interting the cursors (for example)?