FastCat - FastFetch Theme Pack
Terminal Apps
by m3tozz
What is FastCat:FastCat is a theme pack for FastFetch. FastFetch is a tool that visually displays system information in the terminal, and FastCat offers various themes to make this tool more aesthetic and customizable. FastCat allows users to customize their FastFetch configurations and load the...

Partition Recovery Software
Terminal Apps
by datadoctorsoftware1
Worried about your files, images, pictures and folders lost due to unintended format of personal computer, now make them restore using Partition Recovery Software which is effective and available at company website.>Regain deleted files, missing images, lost pictures and much more from any...

NeoCat - NeoFetch Theme Pack.
Terminal Apps
by m3tozz
What is NeoCat:NeoCat is a theme pack for NeoFetch. NeoFetch is a tool that visually displays system information in the terminal, and NeoCat offers various themes to make this tool more aesthetic and customizable. NeoCat allows users to customize their NeoFetch configurations and load the...

Easy Setup OH-MY-ZSH
Terminal Apps
by nor-darkstar
Easy zsh setup pre enabled powerlevel10k theme configured on top of oh-my-zshwith useful zsh pluginscompletely inspired by the manjaro-zsh-configwith slight changes
Arch (tar.gz)
Available as/for:Arch (tar.gz)Desktop

chill - utility for use in terminal
Terminal Apps
by Markospoko
chill is a simple script around kill command for ending process, esp. for newbies, newcomersperhaps you could rather chill than kill that all processes?Example:./chill m 634458sends TERM signal to 634458 process./chill h 634458sends KILL signal to 634458 process./chill -hfor basic usageIf you...

Mustang Terminal
Terminal Apps
by claudemods
claudemods-qt6terminal v2.0.14v2.0.16new terminal scripts addeddo not confuse the .zip with my other application on this pling storev2.0.15since torpedo is my system for alpine and this wont work on alpineso im changing it to Mustang Terminalive tested it and commands work on all systemsive...
Available as/for:64bit - x86AppImagebetaDesktopSource-Code
1 comment

__my_fzf_history__ for bash
Terminal Apps
by oficsu
A better alternative to __fzf_history__;1) make sure you are using Bash;2) install fzf from your package manager;3) add `source /path/to/fzf-history.sh` to your ~/.bashrc;extra 1) it looks better with HISTTIMEFORMAT;extra 2) and even better with bat util!
Available as/for:32bit - x8664bit - x86arm64 - 64bitarmhf - 32bitbetaDesktopSource-Code

SBTE simple Bash text editor
Terminal Apps
by djmaxcz
simple-text-editorThis project aims to provide a simple text editor with basic functionalities like creating, opening, editing, and saving text files.if plugins doesnt work move the plugins and delete the folderThis program is a simple text editor implemented in Bash script. It provides basic...
Available as/for:32bit - x8664bit - x86arm64 - 64bitarmhf - 32bitbetaDesktopPhoneTablet

Neutrino Kernels For Begonia [323 - latest]
Terminal Apps
by zycromerz
Custom Kernel for Begonia* Gcc : for more battery backup and less overheat* Dtc : for more performance and more overheat* Proton / Clang-14 : for more balance* SDClang : compiled using toolchain from Qualcomm* Stock : minimal tweak,should be close to same as stock* Q-OSS : for miui/aosp based fw...

Neutrino kernels For Vayu [300 - latest]
Terminal Apps
by zycromerz
Custom Kernel For Poco X3 Pro / VayuFlamescion = supported memeui a11 and oss custom rom + droppedHareudang = supported memeui a11 and oss custom rom + Oc and Uv Gpu (min 140Mhz max 692Mhz) + droppedPhantasm = supported memeui a11 and oss custom rom + UV GPU (min 140Mhz max same as default) +...